Frequently Asked Questions

The most important thing to do is to file a police report where the crime occurred. Simply fax us the report and we will put your account in the appropriate status. WARNING: FILING A FALSE REPORT OF FRAUD OR IDENTITY THEFT IS A CRIME.
Please send the release letter from the company you paid prior to the account being forwarded to Halsted Financial Services via any of our convenient contact methods to the right and we will update your account promptly. Email us at
Depending on who the creditor or bail bond provider is, we will always do our best to work out an arrangement that benefits all parties. Our main goal is to get your account back into a paying status so that you do not accrue any additional collections or legal fees.
First, they can not make your debt go away. Second, you have to pay most companies a fee in addition to your original debt. Third, we approach these services in the same manner we approach you except often you will be paying them and us.
The credit score was originally developed by Fair Isaac Corp. as the FICO score. A credit score is a statistical method that assists in determining the borrower’s ability to repay on a loan, product or service. The credit score combines pieces of data from the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion). Typically, a credit score is a 3-digit number that goes up to 850 and is based on several different factors including credit history and amount of outstanding debt. Usually, the higher the score, the more likely the borrower is to make payments on time.

Your credit score is important as it may be used to reject or accept credit applications you submit. Many times, applicants with poor credit scores will be approved for credit but at a much higher rate than paid by applicants with high credit scores. Your credit score may also determine the interest rate you pay for auto financing and leasing, credit cards, mortgages, and insurance. It can even affect whether or not you are approved to rent an apartment or be hired for a job. Information reported to your credit bureau may remain on your report for up to seven years or more.
You should: Get copies of your credit report and make sure the information is correct. A good score may entitle you to better interest rates on a loan. A bad credit score can mean high interest rates on loans. Pay your bills on time. Late payments may be reported to your credit bureau and may impact your score. Avoid overextending your credit. Be aware that unsolicited credit cards may be tempting to accept and use, but they may negatively impact your credit score.

Never ignore overdue bills. If you encounter problems paying money you owe, call your creditor to make arrangements. If you explain you are having difficulty, they may be able to work out an arrangement with you. Keep your outstanding debt low. Continually extending credit close to your credit limit can be viewed negatively. Try not to submit an excessive amount of credit applications. Show a longer time frame of good credit over a shorter period of credit, as credit is built over a period of time.
Your credit score is usually based on: Timely payment of your bills The amount of your outstanding debt and your credit limits The length of your credit history The amount of credit you have recently applied for The number of, and the types of, credit accounts you have.
We do offer the ability to immediately put your account in good standings by setting up a secure payment for a future date. Our main goal is to work with you to accomplish your goals of financial freedom.

Time is Money, we can help you save both!

Hartford Managment Group strives to provide an excellent service in terms of quality of work, timely response. Please feel free to contact us when needed!